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#StayingHome just got interesting

Mar 24, 2020·Alpine Skiing
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Another week of global pandemic, social distancing and no sports has gone and everybody is trying to entertain themselves in the best way possible. Athletes get creative as they try to stay fit, keep healthy and fill up their days. The message is clear, there are so many ways to make the most of the quarantine at home and here there are some good examples.

Mikaela Shiffrin is not a professional guitarist and singer, but she managed to record a new song in support of the doctors, nurses and public service workers who are helping people in need.

We are witnessing incredible acts of kindness and selflessness every day. The doctors and nurses helping the ill, and continuing to help the millions who have sickness and injuries not even related to this specific virus. The thousands of retired health professionals who have volunteered their services to aid the hospitals strained in space and resources. Those testing and developing treatments and vaccinations to this and every other disease. The firefighters, police force, and every other kind of public service worker and defender out there. Our service people from the Army, Navy, Air Force and beyond who unable to return home though they may feel torn in half by their obligation to protect our countries from afar and their longing to protect their families from home. In Italy, a lot of the food plants are slowing down production significantly because the workers are worried about going to work, even though these plants are held to an incredibly high sanitation standard. Yet, these food plants staying in production is essential for the general public to continue to have access to food... So I did a really small thing, in the grand scheme of everything. I wrote a song— inspired by the plant employees of my @barilla family continuing to put the public needs ahead of their own needs and fears, but it is a message to everyone. Thank you.

Manuel Feller did also his best to entertain his fans with a “corona-themed” rap show during self-isolation.

Day 8... still cool like ice 😎🥶 #forthefans #zuhausebleibenlebenretten riddim by @jugglerz

Housework is one of Nicol Delago's favourite activities.

Quando all’improvviso la tua routine giornaliera non è più la stessa 😅

Who’s been missing to wear their race suit and compete? Well, Christof Innerhofer found the right way to wear it once again.

Abbiamo nostalgia di sciare ma lo facciamo a casa❤ #iorestoacasa . . #gara⛷ #nipoti @niederkoflerrene #ski #chefatica😅 #casa #unopertuttituttiperuno

If you have yourself any creative ways of enjoying your time during self-isolation, feel free to share them on your social account and tag @fisalpine in the caption! Stay healthy and stay home, everything will go well!