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-10 Days FIS Autumn Meetings 2023 are approaching

Sep 14, 2023·Inside FIS
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In 10 days, the entire FIS Family will meet at the Autumn Technical Meetings in-person.

Starting on Tuesday, September 26th until Saturday, September 30th, representatives from the Member National Ski Associations working in the various FIS disciplines will gather to put the finishing touches on the 2023-24 season plan in the traditional venue of the Zurich-Kloten Hilton hotel.

The Autumn meetings are generally the chance for the various stakeholders to implement any later rule changes and calendar adaptations that have arisen during the summer. They also lay the groundwork for the first topics to be discussed at the end of the season.

Additionally, multiple organizers travel to Zurich to lay out their final plans with the coaches, teem officials and FIS staff providing a useful all-in-once exchange for their upcoming events.

Timetable FIS Autumn Meetings 2023

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