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Deputy Secretary General Niklas Carlsson steps down

Aug 30, 2023·Inside FIS
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After a year of great collaboration FIS Deputy Secretary General, Niklas Carlsson has for personal reasons decided to take a different path in his professional life and step down from his position. He will stay a part of the FIS family as a consultant as of 1st October 2023.

In a period of great transformation, it has been an honour to be part of the team which is setting the course for a successful future for snow sports. Due to family reasons, I have decided to step down from my management position but look forward to continuing to support FIS as a consultant and being part of the exciting journey towards a new era for all NSAs, athletes and fans.Niklas Carlsson
We thank Niklas for his great commitment and work he has done over the past year. We are pleased to continue to work together and benefit from his dedication and expertise in the future.Johan Eliasch, FIS President
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