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Setting the course for the future at the IF Forum 2023

Nov 16, 2023·Inside FIS
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President Bach’s speech kicked off the three-day IF Forum, which is being held at the Olympic Museum, bringing together 300 leaders from more than 125 IFs. Under the theme of “Sport (R)evolution”, this year’s event is designed to cover issues that are transforming the environment in which IFs work, with industry experts and influential decision-makers from the global sports movement providing insights into the latest strategies, technologies and trends. It also provides an opportunity for leaders from IFs, the Olympic Movement and the wider sports industry to share best practices and discuss how to tackle sport’s challenges and opportunities.

Underlining his call for unity, President Bach highlighted that the sports movement will be able to take advantage of the opportunities presented by developments such as AI and esports only if it remains a unified force.

If we proceed united and if we stand together, then we have every reason to look to the future of sport with great confidence. At this IF Forum, you have the opportunity to set the course for this future. Our unity is our strength. We can seize the opportunities of the digital revolution only if we collaborate and share our knowledge. With many discussions at this IF Forum focused on the accelerating impact of technology on sport, I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts and receiving your input, so that we can join forces. In this way, we are living our Olympic motto – we can go faster, we will aim higher, we will become stronger – together.Thomas Bach, IOC President

The IF Forum concluded on 15 November. FIS was represented by Michel Vion as Secretary General, Sandra Spitz as Sport & Event Director, as well as Susanna Sieff (Sustainability Director).

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