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Athlete of the Week - Colin Dixon (GBR)

Apr 09, 2019·Telemark
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Do want to know more about our Telemark Athletes? Then you are on the right place! Each week in Summer we introduce one athlete of the Telemark family.

This Week: Colin Dixon, Great Britain

First Name: Colin

Last Name:  Dixon

Birthdate: 04.01.1998

Language: English, French, German

Material: TheMequipment bindings, Cober ples, Blossom Skis

Sponsors: Dare 2b, Aquatronic Group Management, Volla, Cober, TheMequipment, Booster

Profession: Mechanical Engineering Student at University

Hobbies: Football, Drumming, Running, anything sport related

Motto: It's always 50/50

Why do you Telemark? Why not? It's a great sport, It's nice to do something different and not follow the trend.

What is your favorite Telemark discipline? My favorite discipline is the classic. But I really love all of them.

How often do you train per Week? Whats your favorite Training? It depends...It varies, sometimes 3 times a week and others 6 days a week. I really enjoy speed and agility training. I also like interval training.

What was the best experience of your career so far? One of my favorite experiences was eating on top of the Schilthorn at the World Cup Finals in Mürren (SUI) last season. But the way I see it, my whole career is one big experience.

Whats your favorite race on the World Cup Calendar? I really like Pralognan la Vanoise (FRA), although it's very cold, the piste and the snow are always near perfect conditions.

**Tell us something  we should know about you...**British Junior Champion 2019, French Under 16 Champion 2014, Finalist in a national drumming competition.

Last but not least..what do you wish for the Future? Snow - and loads of it!

Want to know more about Colin Dixon? Here some quick links to the Homepage, Sponsors, Partners...

Facebook: Colin Dixon

Instagramm: Colin Dixon

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