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Athlete of the Week - Argeline Tan-Bouquet (FRA)

Jul 02, 2019·Telemark
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Do want to know more about our Telemark Athletes? Then you are on the right place! Each week in Summer we introduce one athlete of the Telemark family.

This Week: Argeline Tan-Bouquet, France

First Name: Argeline

Last Name: Tan-Bouquet

Birthdate: 30.04.1994

Language: French, English

Material: Ski Dynastar - Helmet goggles Vola - Poles KV+ - Gloves Ziener - Bindings Rottefella

Sponsors: Samoëns

Profession: Physio

Hobbies: Dancing, hiking, reading, go to festival music

Motto: Fast on the hills, as free as my heels

**Why do you Telemark?**I love this feeling of gliding on the snow, getting closer to it and cutting through. What we can experience during a race run, it is so particular. The speed we get, the skis going perfectly to the gate, it's like flying over it. It's something i can't find anywhere else. And I'm glad that I have this in my life. It is part of my life balance.

What is your favorite Telemark discipline? Sprint!

How often do you train per Week? Whats your favorite Training? During winter, it's 5 or 6 trainings a week. And it's about 4 during summer, sometimes 5 but it's tougher with work.

What was the best experience of your career so far? Well I have a few in mind, it is a tough choice! If I have to pick one, I will say the last incredible experience I had which is my first win in World Cup Parallel in Praloup. Something special happened that day. It was a lot of emotions.

Whats your favorite race on the World Cup Calendar? La Thuile (ITA) for the winter 2019, I really like the slope there with its steep part, and I loved the cold conditions we had with hard snow.

**Tell us something  we should know about you...**Gluttony is one of my sins, that's a fact.
I also love dancing rocknroll!

Last but not least..what do you wish for the Future? I wish that our sport will keep growing and growing, going for the best, and one day become olympic. The sooner the better.

Want to know more about Argeline Tan-Bouquet? Here some quick links to the Homepage, Sponsors, Partners...

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